1. As soon as you follow the WELCOME INSTRUCTIONS, make sure that your link works. There will be no excuses for mis-linked WebPages.
2. The teacher is going to post Weekly Questions on this Blog every Monday. This is going to be your reading and writing guide.
3. Follow the Important Blogging Rules written on the SIDEBAR.
4. All blogs should be turned in every Friday, 12mn. Late, plagiarized and missing blogs will automatically merit a zero.
5. After checking, the students will receive their teacher’s comments, and their grades. Grades will be based on the Grading System written on the SIDEBAR.
6. Bonus Project Points:
a. If you come across a striking and reflective line from the book, you can write “Bonus Blogs” about it.
b. Each Bonus Blog is equivalent to 3 project points, which will be added to the final project score.
c. Bonus Blogs should contain the words “Bonus Blog” in the title.
d. All Blogging rules still apply.